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Strategy &


"With the right strategy even the most demanding conditions can produce beautiful results".

​Our viewpoints and insights can provide fresh inspiration and perspective.


This is our core expertise, bringing Vision, Strategy, Action and Measures; our tried and tested VSAM model of strategy development that can drive real growth for your organisation. 


Vision – where do you want your organisation to go?

Strategy – How are you going to get there?

Action – what do you need to do?

Measures – how will you know you are on track?


Sounds obvious? Well, yes - but take our word for it, thousands of organisations have floundered because they haven't thought their way through this simple process. This is our area, to enable you to survive, thrive and grow to the next level and beyond.


VSAM's strategy professionals are skilled practitioners, many of whom bring decades of experience to the table. This means that everything you read on these pages should be of practical value to your organisation.


As you would expect, our insights demonstrate a rigorous, intellectual approach. They also reflect our hands-on implementation capability, peppered with real-life examples of how we work with clients like you to deliver 'innovation to results'.


Richard Langmead

Vision & Strategy Consultant

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"Having led three organisations through turnaround and growth, I am certain that having a clear 'vision and strategy' is essential to success. If we all prioritised great vision and strategy then quite simply more enterprises would thrive".



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